Miki Island seamlessly integrates advanced behavioral analytics and comprehensive team assessment features to provide invaluable insights into team dynamics.
You can analyze data and behaviourals analytics in Miki island such as:
Miki Island is more than just a game. It integrates the Group Development Questionnaire® and Integrated Model of Group Development from Susan Wheelan’s research to ensure higher learning effectiveness and business impact.
Integrated in the Miki Island Platform, the GDQ team assessment® empowers your team to evaluate its group maturity level, gauge team effectiveness and productivity ratios as well as pinpoint crucial areas for development.
Diagnosing team maturity entails assessing productivity, collaboration, decision-making, and overall performance to understand your team’s development stage and areas for growth:
Team Effectiveness & Productivity Ratio measures the efficiency and output of a team relative to its resources and objectives.
It helps identify areas where teams can enhance their performance and achieve optimal results within their given constraints.
Subscale Analysis involves dissecting specific components within team dynamics, such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving, to pinpoint strengths and areas needing improvement.
By identifying these subscales, teams can tailor their development strategies to address specific needs effectively.
This targeted approach enhances team cohesion and performance by focusing efforts on key areas of development.
Future fit your brand and generate new revenues with an innovative learning solution by adding Miki Island within your portfolio for your own clients!